We Don't Just Publish Books. We Create Signature Messages.
We help thought leaders, entrepreneurs, and executives professionally write their manuscript, publish their book, and launch their signature message.
Our Author’s Have Been Featured On
Signature Message Authors have appeared on many national media programs, and because of our unique approach to publishing, we know how to position you for media attention. This increases book sales, but more importantly, it provides you with a platform to build from as you grow, share your signature message, and build an audience.
The Signature Message Advantage
We Coach You
The path to becoming a published author can be daunting. That's why our team is dedicated to guiding you every step of the way: from crafting your manuscript to launching your signature message to the world.
We Professionally Write & Publish
Whether you're an entrepreneur, executive, or thought leader from any industry, we've got you covered. Our team of experienced professionals has published over 1000 books, created national campaigns, and authored bestsellers. But we're not just about the numbers—we're about making a real impact on the world.
We Create Author Brands
We understand that your book is more than just a product—it's an extension of your personal brand and message. That's why we take a personalized approach to each project, working closely with you to ensure that your unique voice is heard loud and clear.
Let’s Get You Launched
So if you're passionate about creating value, growing your business, sharing your story, and leaving a legacy, we're the tribe you've been searching for. Schedule a free book strategy session today.
Signature Author Success Stories
Charese D. Sailor
Featured Published Author
Signature Message has helped coach and business owner, Charese D. Sailor, to bring her inspiring message, ‘GoGetYourLife,’ to faith communities all over America.
Richard Robles
Featured Mentored Author
Signature Message assisted first-time author Richard Robles in transforming his manuscript into a published book, along with an author website designed to help readers grow personally and spiritually.
Maksim Asenov
Featured Professional Author
Signature Message assisted Bulgarian executive Maksim Asenov in professionally writing, publishing, and launching his book, ‘Courage in Crisis,’ for his American and global ‘Courage Book Tour’.
Our Leadership
Stefan Junaeus is the CEO of Signature Message LLC and the founder of Thought Leaders, a growing community of entrepreneurs, innovators, and wealth creators who use uncompromising vision, exceptional ability, and purpose-driven influence to create incredible value in the marketplace. He is also the co-host of the Thought Leader Mindset Podcast with celebrity life coach Tim Storey.
Stefan is an accomplished writer who has ghostwritten over 40 books. Recent publications include co-authoring "Staying Steady In Unsteady Times" with Tim Storey and contributing to "Miracle Mentality," published by Harper Collins. His upcoming book, "Signature Message: The New Rules to Write, Publish, and Launch Your Non-Fiction Book," is highly anticipated.

Thought Leader FREE eBook Download
Thought Leader: An Expert Guide To Leverage Your Book, Grow Your Business, & Stand Out In Your Industry" is the ultimate resource for entrepreneurs, thought leaders, and executives who want to make a real impact with their book.
Authored by Signature Message CEO Stefan Junaeus, and with a foreword by best-selling author and celebrity life coach Tim Storey, this free guide is packed with practical insights and strategies to turn your book into a signature message.
Build Your Platform Around Your Signature Message
With over 1000 books published, our professional publishing service is designed to help you bring your Signature Message to life, with top-of-the-line cover and layout design, full author ownership, and full publishing distribution. But that's not all—we also provide a custom marketing plan for your book, ensuring that it reaches the widest possible audience. Whether you're an executive, an entrepreneur, or a thought leader, we've got everything you need to take your book to the next level. So why wait? Contact us today and let our experienced team help you achieve your publishing goals!
Signature Author Success Stories
Tim Storey
Featured Influencer Author
Signature Message helped celebrity life coach Tim Storey transform his best-selling book 'Miracle Mentality' into a Signature Message, encompassing curriculums, E-courses, and coaching and consulting services.
Martha Sanchez
Featured Mentored Author
Signature Message assisted Martha Sanchez, a mother, entrepreneur, and investor, in sharing her story and leaving a legacy for her three daughters as well as thousands of other young women.
Shannon Lombard
Featured Coaching Author
Signature Message helped Shannon Lombard, the founder of PTSD Academy, not only to publish his book but also to transform it into a coaching academy.

Based on your goals, our Author Strategists can assist in determining the appropriate services for you. Prior to scheduling a consultation, kindly review our book writing, coaching, publishing, and marketing services.